What does self-compassion mean to you?

To me self-compassion is the loving embrace of our personal humanity, a nurturing response that acknowledges our inherent worthiness and our imperfections. It is the practice of treating ourselves with kindness, understanding, and empathy, especially in times of struggle. 

Self-compassion understands that we sometimes make mistakes, and experience suffering as a basic puzzle piece of the human condition. It encourages us to extend the same warmth and understanding we would offer to our best friend, to ourselves. By cultivating self-compassion, we create a safe and supportive inner landscape where we may grow and find solace amidst life's tribulations. It is a profound act of self-love and an essential ingredient in building a loving life filled with authenticity and fulfillment. 

Elevate Mood and Motivation with Active Rest, Restorative Yoga, and Yoga Nidra

In today's world full of multi levels of intensity, it's common for many to experience low levels of energy, motivation, and a lack of focus. One vital element that contributes to our overall well-being is the neurotransmitter dopamine. Known as the "feel-good" chemical, dopamine plays a crucial role in regulating mood, motivation, and reward pathways in the brain. While there are various ways to enhance dopamine levels, incorporating active rest, combined with body awareness and breath work, can be a game-changer for achieving a sustainable and elevated baseline dopamine level. 

Active rest refers to engaging in activities that promote relaxation, rejuvenation, and recovery while still remaining physically active. It stands in contrast to passive rest, where we engage in sedentary activities or completely abstain from physical movement. 

Body awareness involves cultivating a mindful connection between your mind and body. It means paying attention to bodily sensations, movements, and posture, and being fully present in the moment. By practicing body awareness during active rest, you can tap into the dopamine-boosting benefits it offers.

When you tune into your body and become more attuned to its signals, you activate the brain-body connection. This connection helps stimulate the release of dopamine and strengthens reward pathways in the brain. The more you consciously engage in physical activity while maintaining body awareness, the more dopamine you can potentially produce, leading to an elevated baseline level over time.

Combining active rest, body awareness, and breath work creates a powerful synergy that optimizes the release and utilization of dopamine in the brain. By intentionally engaging in low-intensity physical activities while maintaining body awareness and deep breathing, you create an ideal environment for dopamine production.

When you engage in active rest, you allow your body to recuperate from the stresses of daily life while simultaneously engaging your mind and body. The heightened body awareness brings you into the present moment, while breath work further enhances the oxygen supply to your brain. Together, these practices enhance dopamine release, helping to elevate your mood, increase motivation, and improve cognitive function.

So stay a little longer in that Savasana at the end of class and drink in those groovy restorative and Yoga Nidra practices and notice the positive effects in your work, home life and general outlook!

Under Pressure?

Today’s Breathing Circle is breathing for anyone wishing to calm, relax and take the pressure off. This breathing exercise can lower blood pressure and ease effects of hypertension, help us sleep more deeply and gain better mental focus and awareness.

Noticing the differences for yourself in how your body feels is more powerful than anyone describing it to you and after a while, you will start to notice your body feeling more relaxed. You may notice a sense of calm and well being.

Often life's challenges and our ability to manage stress through various crutches, and not-so-healthy choices, can cause deleterious physical effects to take their toll on heart and mind. By taking a moment to breathe deeply in a stressful situation, you can train your body to react in a calm manner when facing daily emotional challenges. This can improve overall cardiovascular health and help you face problems with a calmer clearer approach.

Need a Cleanse?

When we develop a harmonious relationship to our food it no longer consumes our energy, as it does when we struggle with food addictions or weight. In fact having this mentality frees up our energy because we release the struggle.  We then learn to tap into our own self healing force that is part of the nature of the human when we dismantle the barriers that prevent us from feeling into our innate ability. 

As such, food no longer depletes us, but rather energizes us. In this capacity, because the fundamental nature of our relationship to food has changed to one that we enjoy, we can then turn to the more important things in our lives, like embracing our highest potential and doing more of the important things that bring us joy.

The state of nutrition in our world today is horrifying. The food choices on the street corners are chemical laden, the soil which grows our food is depleted, and the access to healthy, alternative and informative choices has been cen$ored. 

Join me and our 10-Day Rejuvenation Reset crew for a journey into the true nature of healing our body with food, water, breath, movement while finding meaning through it all with others who are walking with you in your journey. 

This reset is excellent for anyone who is looking to increase energy levels, reduce inflammation/body pain, enjoy deeper sleep, balance blood sugar and hormones, reduce headaches, bloating and digestive related ailments. 

Through a reset and reassessment of our dietary approach, while substituting life affirming choices, we are better able to manage our mind, emotions and thereby our level of happiness. 

We will meet twice on Zoom, receive a beautiful PDF booklet which includes delicious recipes from my former restaurant Vidya’s Veggie Gourmet, along with an individualized protocol based on your health goals. Also included is the option to enjoy daily classes with me via YouTube meeting each other in the chat to catch up, and ability to ask questions anytime, as you progress. 

Learn more or register now

*If registering, please fill out the form on the 10-Day Reset page of the website.